Sunday, February 12, 2012

Where There's A Will, There's A Way

Dress:made! /shoes:Ecote Macrame Split Wedge via Urban Outfitters/Bracelets:Stella&Dot,Charlotte Russe is my first attempt at making a dress without a pattern. I've made a dress once before with the help of my grandmother who is an expert seamstress and we followed a pattern. It has been at least 6 years since then and I'm sure it wouldn't be that hard to figure out but I decided to just jump right in and guess my way along without one. Starting with the first collage in the top left hand corner
1. The fabric I've now had for at least 2 years and an inspiring dress on the cover of last months NYLON mag
2-4.I traced a form fitting dress I own onto the fabric with chalk and proceeded to cut out two matching pieces
5. pinned the pieces together to sew
6-8 I used my sewing form to make adjustments, pinned and sewed some more
9-10 attached the lace at the shoulder...attempted making a sleeve...decided I needed more practice to do that and figured out making an open cap sleeve instead
11-13 some beads for color and detail...leading to a finished product!
Ready to wear!